In Alpaslan 2 Dam Lake, 4 nesting rafts for target bird species were located at the determined coordinates. (Muş/Türkiye)

In Alpaslan 2 Dam Lake, 4 nesting rafts for target bird species were located at the determined coordinates. (Muş/Türkiye)

In order to protect biodiversity in the Alpaslan 2 Dam and HEPP facility Murat River - Muş / Türkiye,
target bird species
the one which;
* Sterna,
* Sterna albifrons
* Sterna nilotica

4 nesting rafts were successfully anchored to the coordinates determined in the reservoir. (3 m x 2 m x 0,6 m)

Now it's the birds' turn.

Thanks to the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks for their support.

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